Creative Commons
licences? Because they offer a better alternative to the usual
"all rights reserved" copyright. By reserving rights selectively with a
Creative Commons licence, our composers and authors can protect
their rights and assure greater exposure for their work.
For example: many of the new music and new media items in
the Torcroft Press catalogue are licenced under the Creative Commons
"attribution, no derivatives, non-commercial" licence. This means
that a work can be used or redistributed so long as the name of the
author or composer is mentioned ("attribution"), that the work is
not changed, or a new work is not derived from it ("no derivatives"),
and that no commercial use is made of the work ("non-commercial),
without the permission of the author or composer. We should add
here at Torcroft that composers and authors hold the copyright on their
works, not Torcroft Press LLC. Interested in doing any of those
things with works you've seen or bought? Just
ask. Most authors and composers
are at least interested in hearing an offer.
Those are the don'ts. The do's are these:
Once you download a work, you can make as many copies of
it as
you need. If the work is a choral work, you need only one copy,
since you can make as many copies as singers. If it's an instrumental
work, you can make enough copies for all the players.
You can share copies with your friends, or even line your
So long as these activities don't violate the terms of the licence, you
are free to do them. Why do we allow this? It's really quite
simple. We don't want others to profit by the work of our
artists, it's true. But, we also want their works to go far and
wide, to be enjoyed, to be challanging, and to spur creativity by
others. By putting our works "in the commons" we enhance the
experience of all people. Besides, it's good for our authors and
composers. For composers of new music especially, sheet
music sales aren't a great money maker. However, exposure to a
wider audience of players and listeners means a higher profile, which
means more chances for commissions, residencies, paying performances,
and other activities. For our authors, too, it means greater
exposure and maybe recognition by more conventional publishers.
To sum up then, it's about balance: the right to make a fair return
from creative work, and not to be ripped off, balanced with the
opportunity for greater exposure and the chance to contribute to the
common culture.
In the future, look for works licenced under other Creative Commons
licences. Why not go to
Commons and learn about them and the various licences. You
will also learn of the spread of Creative Commons around the world.
should be noted that many of the older works in the music catalogue are
in the Public Domain, and have no restrictions.)